Walk-In Grooming

Limited Walk-In Pet Grooming Services


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Walk-In Grooming for Your Pet

At Happy Paws Grooming Salon, we know that life gets busy. While we always encourage our customers to set up a regular schedule for their pet's grooming, we understand that unexpected things can happen. That's why we also offer flexible walk-in appointments for some grooming needs.

With a walk-in appointment, you can bring your pet at your leisure. This service is reserved for Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and is only offered between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Only select services are available, and we cannot guarantee availability.

For the best results, we suggest that you call ahead just to see if we're open. If we happen to be closed on one of those days, our availability will be mentioned on our voicemail.

Walk-in service is great for last-minute upkeep or small upgrades in your pet's care. For full grooming services, we recommend that you call for an appointment. We offer all-inclusive, personalized grooming, and we're experienced doodle groomers with over 40 years of combined experience.

Call (303) 276-2095 today! For fast service, you can also use our   online booking  tool.

Do you need grooming for your dog? Call us today at (303) 276-2095 or get fast service when you book online!

Prices for Your Pet's Walk-In Care

Walk-in prices are based on the specific service you are requesting. These small services are great for touch-up work between regular grooming appointments, but we encourage you never to neglect the full range of your pet's grooming needs.

At Happy Paws Grooming Salon, we'll work with you to figure out the right options for your pet. To consider walk-in services, peruse the price chart below. These services can be completed while you wait.

Service Price
Nail Trim $25
Nail Buffing $30
Anal Glands $25
Paw Trim $25

Most of these services are also included as part of the standard all-inclusive grooming services. Nail buffing is the exception. This special service can be added to your grooming or chosen here as a walk-in add-on.

If you have questions about any of these services, please call. We'd be happy to talk about how proper care and grooming can make you and your pet happier.


Get a Grooming Touch-Up

Call today to see if our experienced groomers are available for any walk-in grooming service.

(303) 276-2095

(303) 276-2095

Our dear Carmelo went in with a thick knotty shag. He's our adventure pup and spends a lot of time on the trail. Inevitably, we can't keep up with his grooming and wait too long to go back in. Because of that, we hate to have him cut because he always ends up shaved. Happy Paws took the extra time to restore his coat to puppy-like soft golden doodle fur with that signature curl. He looks like the softest teddy pup with a fluffy 2 inches. Most of all, he looks so happy!

- David B. via Facebook

Learn More About Happy Paws Grooming Salon

Located at 14011 West Quincy Avenue, Suite L, Morrison, CO. Happy Paws Grooming Salon specializes in general grooming, doodle grooming, walk-in grooming, and cat grooming. All-inclusive, personalized grooming. Experienced doodle groomers. 40+ years of combined experience. Call today.

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